Curvy Slimming Coffee Offer 2x1 Capsule + 1
Curvy Coffee Slimming Offer
Curvy coffee 2×1 (20 sachets * 10 grams) 200 grams
Curvy green coffee mix for slimming 2×1 is made from green coffee beans,
So it helps in losing weight, and Curvy coffee increases the breakdown of fats, and it is low in calories and naturally sweetened, which gives it a great taste.
the components
Dairy free creamer
- Milk protein
– Maltodextrin
- Green coffee
- Arabic coffee.
How to use Curvy Coffee for slimming
It is preferable to use coffee twice daily.
- Empty the contents of the sachet into the cup, then add 200 ml of hot water.
You can also add some ice to get cold coffee.
Nutritional Facts Curvy Coffee Slimming Offer
Calories 49 calories
Saturated fat 2 g
Trans Fat 0g
Total Carbohydrates 6 g
Sugar 1 g
Protein 1g
Fiber 2 g
Sodium 17 mg
Health notes:
It is preferable not to consume Curvy Coffee during pregnancy except after consulting a specialist or treating physician.
How does Curvy Coffee help in losing weight?
Curvy Coffee for slimming and weight loss is considered one of the fitness drinks.
It is also a new innovation in the world of slimming, as it is made from green coffee beans.
Which helps in losing weight due to the beneficial effects of chlorogenic acid, which plays an effective role in improving the metabolism process and also increases the process of breaking down fats.
How does green coffee work?
Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid, so:
It also improves insulin efficiency and thus stimulates the process of lipolysis (breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acids) and thus provides more energy to the body by burning fat.
It also helps in burning fat through beta oxidation (converting fats into adenosine triphosphate).
It reduces the absorption of glucose in the intestines.
And reduces the level of glucose in the blood.
It also increases the secretion of the hormone glucagon when the concentration of glucose in the blood becomes less than 1 gram / milliliter.
It also inhibits the release of glucose from the liver by inhibiting the conversion of glucose 6 phosphate into glucose
Tips to follow with Curvy Coffee for weight loss for the best results?
Avoid soft drinks and sweetened juices.
You should also reduce your consumption of saturated fats and replace them with healthy fats such as olive oil.
Start your meal with a salad, as it provides you with fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Make sure to reduce salt in your food, as it causes fluid retention in the body, which increases weight and makes the body appear bloated.
Make sure to practice walking, as it provides psychological comfort and helps in successful weight loss. It also works to tighten the body and reach the ideal weight.